
Monday, July 5, 2010

How to Add an Audio Player to a Website Using Entertonement

Have you ever wanted to add audio to a website, but don't want to embed a whole video frame? Add an audio player frame instead! If you want to find the easiest way to upload audio to your science fiction blog, for example, and didn't want to embed several youtube videos that would take up space, this is the easiest way for you. STEPS : 1. Find your audio source. This can include an online video, a file on your computer, or audio to record straight from your computer's microphone. 2. Open an account. Create an account at Yes, this will take a few seconds, but you'll save much more time, and all your audio will be in one account in case you need to re-add a clip later. 3. Upload the audio from step 1 into Entertonement: The large orange "upload" button on the right side is your friend. 4. Upload the audio from step 1 into Entertonement: The large orange "upload" button on the right side is your friend. 5. Embed the player: Click your username to go to your profile, or click "My Uploads" on the upload page after saving. Click the link for the file you want to embed, and copy the code the "embed" button gives you. 6. Add it to your site/blog: Paste the embed code in your webpage, and enjoy as you're done!

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